Tasty Tuesdays

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Another feature I want to start on Life's Race by Grace is to give something tasty and healthy on Tuesdays. Whether it be a product or recipe, the goal is to help us make healthy choices rather than 4 Oreos and milk (not that I would ever eat that.....)

Today's Tasty Tuesday spotlight: Larabars
What: A snack bar made of nothing but all natural ingredients, often only three or four..
Where: I have found them at Whole Foods, and many grocery stores... we just got a box at Costco too

When: I eat these around workout time, for a sweet snack, light breakfast...

In a world where preservatives and endless amounts of sugar are used and consumed, these are a refreshing change. Plus, they taste like the flavor they say... Peanut Butter Cookie, really tastes like a peanut butter cookie!

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I LOVE these bars... the "apple pie" and "cherry pie" really do taste like pie.

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